A World of Talent

I returned to private practice after a number of years in leadership as a federal prosecutor, and Dechert’s seamless way of working made the transition an easy and enjoyable one. I have been impressed with the work ethic and consistent approach across all of our international offices. We are properly integrated in a global way. My father was the first African American partner at a major law firm in Washington, D.C., which made a huge impression on me at an early age. As I watched his career develop and saw him in action at one of his trials, I knew that I wanted to follow in his footsteps. When I joined Dechert, I was asked to take over the leadership of the Black Lawyers Alliance – a role that is close to my heart. Most recently, I was elected to Dechert’s Global Policy Committee, a 14-member body that oversees the entire firm. Diversity and inclusion is taken very seriously at Dechert, and I’ve had the opportunity to build on the advances already made by the group to further develop the culture of support and interconnectivity within the firm. One of my key aims has been contributing to social justice progress, for which the firm has

given me its full encouragement. I’ve been a keynote speaker and panelist on diversity issues throughout the country; addressed a cohort of African American professors, deans and alumni at Harvard University Law School; and was elected to the Board of Trustees at my alma mater, Syracuse University. I seek to use speaking engagements and my leadership positions, inside and outside the firm, to promote Dechert’s commitment to diversity. Dechert has a truly global footprint, which also means a diverse client base. I enjoy the fact that so many of my clients come from different parts of the world. I have presented to high-profile clients in London, Hong Kong, Singapore and Toronto. I am able to experience such a broad array of cultures, mindsets and beliefs. I find this variety and diversity endlessly fascinating; it keeps my work fresh and challenging, and my practice is growing because of it. In addition to Mr. Cohen’s elevation to global managing partner, he continues to serve as regional chair of the U.S. white collar practice.

“I’ve had the opportunity to further develop the culture of support and interconnectivity within the firm.”

VINCENT COHEN Partner – Washington, D.C. Enforcement and Investigations

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